Following is a list of the open bugs and the bugs fixed in the versions of
4D 3.2, 4D Server 1.2, 4D Client 1.2, and 4D First 1.2. Some of them have been fixed, others will soon be fixed. Customers encountering one of the problems fixed by versions 3.2.1 b1 or 1.2.1 b1 may contact Customers Services starting next week.
Return character incorrectly added to search criteria
In the Search editor, when you hit the Return key after having typed in your search criteria, the "Return" character is added to your search criteria. The search criteria, therefore, became incorrect.
4D First 1.2.1 b1
Update Type: Disk/Complete Files
Release Date: 11/18/94
Following is a list of the open bugs and the bugs fixed in the versions of
4D 3.2, 4D Server 1.2, 4D Client 1.2, and 4D First 1.2. Some of them have been fixed, others will soon be fixed. Customers encountering one of the problems fixed by versions 3.2.1 b1 or 1.2.1 b1 may contact Customers Services starting next week.
Incorrect alert appears when you are not connected to a network
If these versions are not connected to a network, an alert may appear, stating that someone is already using your ID number. The program then exits to the Finder.
Workaround: This problem occurs only when AppleTalk is turned off. It disappears as soon as you turn AppleTalk on in the Chooser window.
4D Server 1.2.1 b1
Update Type: Disk/Complete Files
Release Date: 11/18/94
Following is a list of the open bugs and the bugs fixed in the versions of
4D 3.2, 4D Server 1.2, 4D Client 1.2, and 4D First 1.2. Some of them have been fixed, others will soon be fixed. Customers encountering one of the problems fixed by versions 3.2.1 b1 or 1.2.1 b1 may contact Customers Services starting next week.
Incorrect connection authorizations for two servers on the same machine
When two servers are running on the same machine, connection authorizations for
4D Client may not work correctly.
4th Dimension/4D Runtime 3.2.1 b1
Update Type: Disk/Complete Files
Release Date: 11/18/94
Following is a list of the open bugs and the bugs fixed in the versions of
4D 3.2, 4D Server 1.2, 4D Client 1.2, and 4D First 1.2. Some of them have been fixed, others will soon be fixed. Customers encountering one of the problems fixed by versions 3.2.1 b1 or 1.2.1 b1 may contact Customers Services starting next week.
Incorrect alert appears when you are not connected to a network
If these versions are not connected to a network, an alert may appear, stating that someone is already using your ID number. The program then exits to the Finder.
Workaround: This problem occurs only when AppleTalk is turned off. It disappears as soon as you turn AppleTalk on in the Chooser window.
Return character incorrectly added to search criteria
In the Search editor, when you hit the Return key after having typed in your search criteria, the "Return" character is added to your search criteria. The search criteria, therefore, became incorrect.